Presented by Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Animal Care Academy, this segment of our Animal Behavior series of clinics and classes is intended as a career-specific supplemental for students who want to learn more about working with game birds such as guinea fowl.
In this class, students will focus on guinea fowl behavior, learning to read guinea fowl body language, the basics of guinea fowl handling, special challenges that arise in housing and caring for guinea fowl, dietary needs and best practices, general safety, and how to keep guinea fowl happy and healthy. This course is taught by ranch owner Lessa Ritzma, whose previous career credits include zookeeper and exotic animal trainer, along with over twenty years of horse experience. Guest lecturers may teach portions of the course. This is hands-off, demonstration and lecture class. An animal may participate for demonstration purposes. All participants will qualify for the Animal Behavior: Focus on Guinea Fowl Behavior and Enrichment credit for Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Animal Behavior certificate. The Animal Behavior certificate core courses are meant to be taken in order, and students also must choose and complete two “Focus” courses to qualify for the certificate. $40 per participant for 2-hour class. Limit 15 participants. Weather permitting. Message us to sign up or ask questions.
Presented by Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Animal Care Academy, this segment of our Animal Behavior series of clinics and classes is intended as a career-specific supplemental for students who want to learn more about working with reptiles.
In this class, students will focus on reptile behavior, learning to read reptile body language, the basics of handling reptiles, special challenges that arise in housing and caring for various species of reptile, dietary needs and best practices, general safety, and how to keep a reptile happy and healthy. This course is taught by ranch owner Lessa Ritzma, whose previous career credits include zookeeper and exotic animal trainer, along with over twenty years of horse experience. Guest lecturers may teach portions of the course. This is hands-off, demonstration and lecture class. An animal may participate for demonstration purposes. All participants will qualify for the Animal Behavior: Focus on Reptile Behavior and Enrichment credit for Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Animal Behavior certificate. The Animal Behavior certificate core courses are meant to be taken in order, and students also must choose and complete two “Focus” courses to qualify for the certificate. $40 per participant for 2-hour class. Limit 15 participants. Weather permitting. Message us to sign up or ask questions. Presented by Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Animal Care Academy, this segment of our Animal Behavior series of clinics and classes is intended as a career-specific supplemental for students who want to learn more about working with horses.
In this class, students will focus on equine behavior, learning to read equine body language, the basics of handling horses, special challenges that arise in housing and caring for various breeds of horses, dietary needs and best practices, general safety, and how to keep a horse happy and healthy. This course is taught by ranch owner Lessa Ritzma, whose previous career credits include zookeeper and exotic animal trainer, along with over twenty years of horse experience. Guest lecturers may teach portions of the course. This is hands-off, demonstration and lecture class. An animal may participate for demonstration purposes. All participants will qualify for the Animal Behavior: Focus on Horse Behavior and Enrichment credit for Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Animal Behavior certificate. The Animal Behavior certificate core courses are meant to be taken in order, and students also must choose and complete two “Focus” courses to qualify for the certificate. $40 per participant for 2-hour class. Limit 15 participants. Weather permitting. Message us to sign up or ask questions. Presented by Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Animal Care Academy, this segment of our Animal Behavior series of clinics and classes is intended as a career-specific supplemental for students who want to learn more about working with parrots.
In this class, students will focus on parrot behavior, learning to read parrot body language, the basics of handling parrots, special challenges that arise in housing and caring for various species of parrot, dietary needs and best practices, general safety, and how to keep a parrot happy and healthy. This course is taught by ranch owner Lessa Ritzma, whose previous career credits include zookeeper and exotic animal trainer, along with over twenty years of horse experience. Guest lecturers may teach portions of the course. This is hands-off, demonstration and lecture class. An animal may participate for demonstration purposes. All participants will qualify for the Animal Behavior: Focus on Parrot Behavior and Enrichment credit for Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Animal Behavior certificate. The Animal Behavior certificate core courses are meant to be taken in order, and students also must choose and complete two “Focus” courses to qualify for the certificate. $40 per participant for 2-hour class. Limit 15 participants. Weather permitting. Message us to sign up or ask questions. Presented by Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Animal Care Academy, this segment of our Animal Behavior series of clinics and classes will focus on the basics of operant conditioning, the behavior theory that most modern professional animal training is built on. Operant conditioning works with nearly every species, because it appeals to the basic instincts of most forms of life.
In this class, you’ll learn the basic principles of operant conditioning and how these puzzle pieces fit together to create a well-behaved animal. In order to achieve a career in professional animal training, students must not only memorize the principles of operant conditioning, but understand them. By making these concepts memorable and accessible, this class will be the foundation for a lifetime of training. This class is taught by ranch owner Lessa Ritzma, whose previous career credits include zookeeper and exotic animal trainer, along with over twenty years of horse experience. This is lecture-only class. A live animal may participate for demonstration purposes. All participants will qualify for the Animal Behavior: Basics of Operant Conditioning credit for Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Animal Behavior certificate. The Animal Behavior courses build off each other and are therefore meant to be taken in order. Students must complete The Language of Training prior to taking this course. An exception will be made for Animal Care certificate students who are taking this course as a bonus credit. $30 per participant for 1-hour class. Limit 20 participants. Weather permitting. Message us to sign up or ask questions. Presented by Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Animal Care Academy, this segment of our Equine Education series of clinics and classes will focus on basic nutrition and physical activity for your horse.
In this class, you’ll discover how to keep your horse in tip-top shape, from providing a nutritious, species-appropriate diet, to the correct level and type of exercise for their fitness and ability level. Just like humans, horses thrive when fed nutritious food and given plenty of opportunity for mental and physical stimulation. While the nuances of equine nutrition and fitness are ever-changing (just like humans), this course will cover the basics and give you enough information to make your own decisions. This class will be taught by ranch owner Lessa Ritzma, whose previous career credits include zookeeper and exotic animal trainer, along with over twenty years of horse experience. There will also be a professional guest lecturer. This is an audit-only class with some opportunity for optional participation. A live equine may be available for demonstration purposes. All participants will qualify for the Equine Education: Equine Fitness and Nutrition credit for Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Equine Education certificate. It will also qualify for a bonus credit for the Animal Care certificate. $50 per participant for 2-hour class. Limit 10 participants. Weather permitting. Message us to sign up or ask questions. Presented by Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Animal Care Academy, this segment of our Equine Education series of clinics and classes will focus on first aid for your horse.
In this class, you’ll discover the basic techniques of handling a sick or injured horse, typical horse emergencies and how to respond, basic wound care and medicine administration, and how to tell if your horse isn’t feeling well. This class will be taught by ranch owner Lessa Ritzma, whose previous career credits include zookeeper and exotic animal trainer, along with over twenty years of horse experience. There will also be a professional guest lecturer. This is an audit-only class with some opportunity for optional participation. A live equine may be available for demonstration purposes. All participants will qualify for the Equine Education: Equine First Aid credit for Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Equine Education certificate. It will also qualify for a bonus credit for the Animal Care certificate. $60 per participant for 2.5-hour class. Limit 10 participants. Weather permitting. Message us to sign up or ask questions. Presented by Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Animal Care Academy, this segment of our Equine Education series of clinics and classes will focus on the most important part of your horse: their legs. Horses spend most of their lives on their feet, rarely laying down to rest. As prey animals, their instincts and physiology are primed to be able to flee from predators at a moment’s notice. For some owners and their horses, soundness can be a constant struggle and will result in the majority of time spent out of work.
In this class, you’ll discover the origins of the phrase, “no hoof, no horse”. Learn about the main conditions affecting horse soundness, their levels of severity, best preventative and treatment practices, and how to detect lameness on the ground. This class will also cover leg wrapping, including the different types and their purposes, and how to correctly apply them. This class will be taught by ranch owner Lessa Ritzma, whose previous career credits include zookeeper and exotic animal trainer, along with over twenty years of horse experience. There will also be a professional guest lecturer. This is an audit-only class with some opportunity for optional participation. A live equine may be available for demonstration purposes. All participants will qualify for the Equine Education: Lameness, Lay-ups, and Leg Care credit for Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Equine Education certificate. It will also qualify for a bonus credit for the Animal Care certificate. $50 per participant for 2-hour class. Limit 10 participants. Weather permitting. Message us to sign up or ask questions. Presented by Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Animal Care Academy, this segment of our Equine Education series of clinics and classes will focus on the natural history of the horse, and how its specific biology relates to its care in the modern world.
In this class, you’ll discover the origins of the horse, what other animals they’re related to, and learn how the physiology and anatomy of the horse can give us clues to their best care. Learn how to see your horse clearly, and make decisions that will benefit their mental and physical well-being. By taking their biology into consideration, you can reduce the risk of colic and lameness, build a safer stall, and keep your equine partners happy and healthy for a long time to come. This class will be taught by ranch owner Lessa Ritzma, whose previous career credits include zookeeper and exotic animal trainer, along with over twenty years of horse experience. This is an audit-only, hands-off, mostly lecture class. A live equine may be available for demonstration purposes, and the class includes a brief tour of ranch facilities. All participants will qualify for the Equine Education: Natural History and Modern Husbandry credit for Iron Oak Canyon Ranch's Equine Education certificate. It will also qualify as a bonus credit for the Animal Care certificate. $50 per participant for 2-hour class. Limit 10 participants. Weather permitting. Message us to sign up or ask questions. |